The St. Kitts and Nevis Bureau of Standards (SKNBS) wishes to draw the public’s attention to the importance of ensuring the reliability of suppliers when purchasing vehicles online from Japan. Individuals interested in such transactions are strongly encouraged to reach out to the Japan Used Motor Vehicle Exporters Association (JUMVEA) as their first point of contact.
Established on September 14, 1995, initially as the Japan Federation of Used Car Exports and later recognized as a Japanese Used Car Export Industry Cooperative with Legal Personality on June 1, 1997, JUMVEA holds a reputable status.
To verify the credibility of a supplier, please visit www.sknbs.org and navigate to the “Useful Links” option. This will guide you to the necessary details provided by JUMVEA, assuring the safety and reliability of the chosen supplier.
Your diligence in this matter is highly appreciated.